Author: fwiwblog

A stringer of words.
Pandemic Life

Screaming into the Void

In the wake of an abrupt end to the State of Emergency, prominent figures in this country are comparing the implementation of ‘safe zones’ to South African apartheid even as we record our deadliest day yet with 28 deaths, including the first child to die from this virus.


Falling Through the Knowledge Gap

Against the backdrop of SEA results released last week, in which almost 7% more students scored under 30% than last year, I wonder if we grasp what kind of whirlwind we’re preparing to reap if we continue to ignore the ways we’re allowing children to tumble into the gaping chasm between those who have the good fortune of meaningful educational support and those who don’t.


Right to Life

What does it even mean “pro-life” in a world where so many seem comfortable with an ever-climbing death toll at the hands of a virus if it means they get to enjoy their lives as they see fit? The same people aren’t particularly bothered by extrajudicial police killings, maternal and infant mortality rates, or even making sure that children have enough to eat.

Pandemic Life

Pandemic Fatigue

It’s one thing to be caught in a terrifying global scenario and understand the need to hold strain until things get better. It’s another thing entirely to sit and watch as other people’s (thoughtless at best, selfish at worst) actions extend everyone’s suffering nearly two years later. Even as the tools to improve everyone’s circumstances are right there.
