What does T&T want for its 62nd birthday?
How did Deyalsingh manage to give this speech without googling “midwifery” to grasp how women have been learning about breastfeeding since the palaeolithic era?
Our leaders can’t hide behind procurement legislation when the issue is why they can’t seem to work together to maintain our ageing infrastructure.
Bad news: we’ll have to cut back on the movies, hams, and macaroni pies because Marvin Gonzales says the price of our inconsistent, often murky water supply is going up.
In today’s news, another government minister accuses the opposition of corruption without revealing any intention of prosecuting. That’s why crime cyah done.
Let’s see what manner of insanity is in the local news today, shall we?
Welcome to the first-ever fwiw News Roundup!
You can always count on the Honourable Fitzgerald Hinds to stick his foot in his mouth The man has never met a crime controversy he didn’t want to dive into.
Ask any Trini to name the top issue facing our nation, and they’ll say it’s crime. But we actually mean crime* and there’s so much hiding under that asterisk…
As I watch the story of the POSGH NICU bacterial outbreak unfold, I wonder if we might be on the verge of remembering the power of solidarity.