The truth we conveniently ignore as we roll up our windows and roll down the Beetham Highway — the truth we use our addresses, degrees, job titles and, if we’re lucky, assets to hide from — is that the gap between us and the people we like to look down on is A LOT smaller than the gap between us and the people who are supposed to be serving us.
In the wake of an abrupt end to the State of Emergency, prominent figures in this country are comparing the implementation of ‘safe zones’ to South African apartheid even as we record our deadliest day yet with 28 deaths, including the first child to die from this virus.
We talk endlessly about being cosmopolitan but we rarely take stock of what that means, of the whole that is made up of so many parts blended together in a way you won’t find anywhere else.
I have to ask what it is Trinbagonians really want at this point of the neverending shitshow. The hard truth that our big, hardback, 59-year-old nation needs to fully face is that this is a PANdemic and it is not over.
Authority does not exist in a vacuum. People vest power and authority in individuals and organisations so they can fulfil their responsibilities. We give them the authority so that they may serve in our best interests.
I’m not saying “The Black Jacobins” should be on the primary school curriculum. I’m simply saying that, as a nation still struggling mightily with the lessons our former colonial masters taught, we should probably be doing better than this when it comes to educating our children about their history.
Whether we’re pursuing excellence in our fields or striving to keep a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs during a pandemic, we deserve REST.
What if we ditched SEA exam and finally decided that all ah we is *actually* one and therefore every single child deserves to be provided with a meaningful education?
If you still don’t know that T&T culture has produced some of the world’s most breathtaking talent despite the continued lack of national support…
I woke up to news of something called J’ouvert Rum, created by Michael B. Jordan, of all people. What in the name of Canboulay is this, you ask? Well…